Cubix ERP - stock and accounting software in lebanon and middle east
Cubix ERP Business application including stock and accounting for Lebanon and the middle east
Can Cubix manage more than one company ?
Designed while considering the growth of the clients business, Cubix ERP may run multiple companies at the same time. Shifting from one company to another is rendered easy by a simple selection.
Can I get some references about your previous work?
It will be our pleasure to provide you references and their contact information.
Do you analyze and customize Cubix according to our company needs?
Yes sure, Cubix development team is ready to respond to any need Cubix clients require.
How do you calculate the development cost of the project?
We calculate the cost of any project in terms of total number of hours required and the skill level required for different tasks in the project.
How do we start our contact?
Its easy! In your mail you describe your Project and suggest the period for the work to be completed. We consider your offer (in case of necessity we ask you some questions), discuss the price and time and after completing the legal billing issues, we are ready to work.
Must I first write a complete Spec?
No, your time is too valuable! You do not need to prepare a detailed technical task just describe your Project in general and tell us your requirements. We will analyse your Project, and work on the analysis after your aproval.
Cubix ERP is a Softimpact software production dedicated to provide stock, accounting, inventory transactions for companies in Lebanon and Middle east
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